Backpacker Travel Trends and Culture Blog

Izuno Travel

No Money for Travel? Do some Prep Work

October 9th, 2008 by Jordan

This post is in defense of my last post about how I hate the word ‘staycation’. My argument being that a ‘staycation’ is not a vacation, and if you don’t have money to travel there’s better ways to handle it than bullshitting yourself into thinking you’re on vacation.

So…here’s my answer. If you have an idea of what your next ‘real vacation’ or trip will be, why not make it better by putting some time preparing for it now. Here’s an example. I love snorkeling and swimming when on vacation, it’s always on the agenda. So right now, while I’m unable to travel due to budget reasons, I am trying to learn to hold my breath for a longer period of time. This will allow me to enjoy more time undersea when I do actually get to go on a trip.

My suggestion, check out Wiki-How. If you plan on doing a lot of walking, why not train for that if you’re out of shape. Or train for the Great Wall of China marathon. If you like to get plastered on vacation…explore with medicines and alcohol now to find out the cheapest way to get hammered. Okay, maybe that last one was a bad example, but you get my point. I’ll try to do a Friday-Wrap Up in addition to this post later. I’ve also got a new travel button I’m about finished with.

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Categories: Articles | 1 Comment »

One Response

  1. matt Says:

    Thanks for the advice!!! I will start holding my breath now.

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