Backpacker Travel Trends and Culture Blog

Izuno Travel

About “Izuno Press”

March 8th, 2008 by Jordan

This section is going to contain more or less a behind the scenes posts. I will discuss my marketing, upcoming posts, and changes to Marketing a web site is a chore. I am just beginning to understand the complexity behind it. So I wanted a page where I can list other sites that talk about, and or discuss It’s mostly to get more users to the site, and get them hooked.

1000 Experiences by Rough Guides

March 8th, 2008 by Jordan

rough guides book 100 came out with this one late in 2007. The “Make the Most of Your Time on Earth” is really well designed and has a fun layout. It has 1000 different adventures. Plus some pages will talk about good books and movies from or about a specific region, which is a nice surprise. But don’t get it thinking you can plan an adventure using only this book. It is an “idea” book, not a detailed guide by any means. Travellers and backpackers would find it too big to pack anyway. So, if you need some inspiration, and want to hear of some good adventures you’ve most likely never heard of, it’s a good travel book.

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Izuno Travel Desktop with Logo

March 6th, 2008 by Jordan

izuno travel logo

I’m going to try hard to do one custom a month. Customs will be just about anything nobody else has online, and that will always have a strong design aspect to it (all while keeping backpackers and travellers in mind).

For March, the custom is a new traveler oriented desktop wallpaper. I created it in 4 different sizes, hopefully it will fit your monitor without looking skewed or stretched. Click the links below to download (the pic above is just a sectional cutout, not the desktop). I’ve tested and used this graphic logo for a while, and it’s surprisingly popular. I resketched a new version this week to use on the desktops. It was the main logo for version 1.0. I hope you like it because I plan on using it for future posts.

Also, I’m thinking about making an interactive packing planner checklist for next months custom post, I’ll see if that pans out or not and keep you updated.

800 x 600 | 1024 x 768 | 1280 x 1024 | 1440 x 900 (widescreen)


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